Wednesday, August 8, 2012

What are we Doing Today?


This boat replaced two utility boats as a “field boat,” supporting nearly a dozen manned production platforms on the outer continental shelf. That means we bring the groceries and haul the trash, pump fuel and water, and move stuff around the field.

It’s a pretty active field, pumping lots of oil and gas. There’s also still some post-Katrina and post-Rita cleanup going on. Today a succession of four deep thumps reverberated through our hull: underwater explosions at a salvage site.

At the same time a new platform is going up in the middle of the field and there are several drilling rigs on workovers.

With all this activity there are a ton of boats out here. Dive boats, ROV boats, construction boats, tugs, derrick barges, crewboats, and shrimp boats dragging the bottom for junk.

And with all these boats, we’re busier than ever. The past two days, we played construction boat, moving equipment and workers from platform to platform. For 24 hours, we had a 7-ton tool shed taking up a big section of the back deck.

More of the same tomorrow, the boss says. And maybe we’ll start our backload for the beach.

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