Mariners working in the oil and gas industry in the Gulf of
Mexico rarely undertake voyages. We have trips, and make runs, but – even though
the Coast Guard and our companies may require voyage planning – we typically
don’t think of them as voyages.
Or I don’t, anyway.
Maybe that’s because we usually start and end at the same dock
in the same port: Point A to Point B and, sooner or later, back to Point A. Within
the context of those roundtrips, we sometimes stay at sea for days or even
weeks at a time, but that’s just “standing by.”
Sand Island Light, at the entrance to Mobile Bay. |
A recent job took us from Port Fourchon, La., to the
Theodore Industrial Port near Mobile, Ala., (two entire states east!), and then
to Amelia, near Morgan City, La. Point A to Point B to Point C before returning
to Point A.
It was something like 620 nautical miles round-trip. Days of
the week changed while we were en route. It felt like a voyage. A short one, by
most standards, but a voyage nonetheless.
There is history everywhere, but it’s more obvious in some
places than in others. Coast Pilot Vol. 5
warns vessels to proceed at slow speed through the entrance channel to Mobile
Bay so as not to disturb the wreck of the USS
Tecumseh, a Union ironclad sunk when it struck a mine beneath the guns of
Fort Morgan during the Civil War.
This impressive cumulonimbus cloud over the eastern shore of Mobile Bay made good on its promise of a rain and lightning later that night. |
The Tecumseh is presumed still to have live munitions
aboard, and the wreck is marked with a yellow buoy. I figure the danger is long
past, but the government’s warning is an exciting note in a pretty staid
When the ship blew up, the other ships in Admiral David
Farragut’s flotilla began to turn back. This occasioned his famous order, today
remembered as: “Damn the torpedoes (mines), full speed ahead!”*
Theodore Industrial Port is a tidy (and quiet) little
deepwater facility that probably deserves more business than it apparently has.
It’s about 20 minutes from the home of the other captain on the boat, and I had
the benefit of his local knowledge and stories as we sailed up the Mobile Ship
Our deck cargo on this job came from the Big & Tall section of the store. |
We picked-up about 200 tons of reel-lay equipment and set
out for Amelia. There are three possible routes to Amelia, but the Intracoastal
Waterway route didn’t make much sense for our vessel or our schedule so we
shaped our course south, back around the Mississippi passes and across the
northern Gulf to the Eugene Island Channel.
I spent the better part of a year navigating the 50+ miles
from the Eugene Island 1&2 up the Atchafalaya River to Morgan City, most
often in the dark and sometimes in lousy weather. It is no one’s favorite
approach, and it is burned into my brain.
The more direct route to Amelia, and one that would allow us
to bypass both Vessel Traffic Service and the Bayou Boeuf Locks, is to take the
cutoff up the Bayou Chene** just above the Horseshoe (or just above Crewboat
Cut, if you come that way) not far north of where the river enters Atchafalaya
Unlike the river channel proper, Bayou Chene is haphazardly
and indifferently buoyed (though if you can stay in the center of the channel,
there’s plenty of water). The other captain hadn’t been up the Chene in 17
years, and I transited it several times last summer, so I got up early to keep
him company.
We made it to the dock without incident, got unloaded before
noon, and headed back downstream for our return to Port Fourchon.
'Murica! A pair of bald eagles on Bayou Chene. |
In an episode that hearkened back to my days guiding birding
trips in South Texas, I told the other fellows on the boat that there was a
good chance we would see some bald eagles on the daylight trip back down the
bayou. About a minute after I said that, an eagle flew across our bow.
I counted six between the ICW and the cofferdam -- I’m guessing they were three, resident breeding
pairs, and no doubt will be joined by many more birds as we move deeper into
This trip – this voyage, if you will – also gave me an
opportunity to reflect on the state of our industry in the Gulf of Mexico. The
signs are mixed, and troubling.
These two Seadrill drillships were anchored and idle. Maybe waiting on customs or something else, maybe just waiting for a job. |
We saw two drilling ships anchored and apparently idle just
seaward of the Louisiana Offshore Oil Port (or LOOP facility).***
This comes a
year after I read that the big oil companies couldn’t get enough drilling units
into the Gulf fast enough for all the work they had lined-up.
Day rates for the
most advanced units last year were up around $675,000. Today the same units are
going for just a little more than half that.
On the way back to Fourchon, we noted that the number of
ENSCO jack-up drilling rigs – used on the shelf -- now stacked west of Belle
Pass has risen to five. Last time I went by and counted, there were just three.
A Seadrill executive noted just last week that market conditions
are bad are projected to get worse next year before stabilizing in 2016.
And one can’t help noticing all of the idle steel in
Fourchon itself.
This is a busy port – in terms of vessel movements, it must
be the busiest in the Gulf of Mexico and perhaps one of the busiest in the
world. At any given time there are well over 300 targets showing on my AIS and
it’s hard to get a word in edgewise on Channel 13, the VHF frequency used for
bridge-to-bridge communications within the port.
Chouest and Gulfmark boats tied-up in Slip A in Port Fourchon. |
Of those 300-plus AIS targets, a whole bunch of them
represent boats waiting on work. On the west bank of Bayou Lafourche right now
there are upwards of 30 boats pushed up in the mud. On the opposite side of the
bayou, a number of large liftboats remain idled. Some have been there at least
six months.
In Flotation Canal, I was shocked at the number of large
OSVs tied-up three abreast on the pilings and in Slip A and Slip B. These boats
belong to companies I usually think of as always busy with long-term contracts.
Meanwhile, some of those same companies (and a lot of
smaller ones, too) continue to build new, larger vessels at a prodigious rate.
On the other hand … the past two years have seen record
lease sales in the Gulf of Mexico, increased success in the deepwater and ultra-deepwater
sector and a wholesale reshuffling of owners and operators in established
fields on the shelf.
At the same time, the door has been opened to exploration in
the nearshore Atlantic off the U.S. East Coast, and Mexico’s government has, at
last, invited greater involvement of foreign companies in exploiting its rich fields
in the Gulf.
So it’s a mixed picture, and one I don’t understand well
enough to decipher.
Everyone else's boats pushed up in the mud north of Flotation Canal, Port Fourchon. |
Taken together, all of this looks like a major (but perhaps
temporary?) slowdown in the Gulf of Mexico.
That doesn’t necessarily mean my
job is in danger – and nothing I've heard or seen at this company suggests that
it is (we get mechanics and supplies and groceries promptly and without
argument – there’s no sense that budgets are being squeezed) – but if I understand the law of supply and
demand, more boats and less work means
lower day rates, at the least.
And I’m guessing lower rates for the boats effectively caps
or puts downward pressure on rates for the mariners who man them.
My impression – and it’s just an impression, not supported
by any hard data – is that hiring has slowed and much of the company-hopping
for ever-increasing day rates has pretty much come to a halt recently.
I’m happy where I am and not planning on changing jobs
anytime soon. I also have the luxury – blessing, really – of a wife who has her
own, very good career. So whichever way the industry is going the kids will
still have shoes and we’ll still eat.
If I were just entering the field though, or a young man
contemplating a first career, I’d be giving this some serious thought.
*What he actually said, according to the
Wikipedia entry (which I read as I was at or near the spot where Farragut said the words almost exactly 140 years earlier – ain’t technology
wonderful?) was: "Damn the torpedoes.Four
bells, Captain Drayton, go ahead. Jouett, full speed."
**It’s amusing, how pedestrian – and repetitive – the names
of waterways can be. If my slipshod translation is correct, Boeuf means “cow,”
and Chene comes from the French for “dog” – So Cow Bayou and Dog Bayou,
respectively. Near Theodore, three rivers or bayous enter Mobile Bay on its
western shore: Fowl River, Deer River and Dog River. There probably are
analogues where you live.
***Upon further investigation ... Seadrill's website says both of the ships we saw are under contract through 2020. So maybe they were just hanging out waiting to get started.