It’s not quite as impressive as a pilot circling his
aircraft, kicking the tires, testing control surfaces and draining fuel, but
getting a 165-foot fast supply vessel ready for a voyage has its own rituals
and procedures.

Getting underway involves all that and more.
I can pretty much do it without conscious thought after so many repetitions. Not so much at home.
Wake the 3-year-old, breakfast for the 3-year-old, TV to
cartoons, wake the baby, change and dress the baby, breakfast for the baby,
dress the 3-year-old, make lunches for both boys, find socks – where are Conor’s
damned socks?! – matching shoes for each child (on the correct feet this time, please), remember key card for the day
care entrance, remember to carry everything to the truck, carry the baby and
strap him into the truck while trying to keep tabs on the 3-year-old … shoo the
dog back into the house. Did I even close the door?

Truthfully, getting the boat underway is a lot easier – and faster
– than getting the littles out the door to school with everything they need.
(And damnit, I just remembered that I was supposed to take a blanket in for the
baby this morning).
Some days it’s easier just to keep them at home with me.
My long-suffering and beautiful wife has her own rituals and
procedures for mornings, and I’m guessing they are slightly more efficient than
mine. Still, she gets the kids out the door and to school every workday before
hers even starts, and that’s nothing less than amazing.
My hat’s off to you, Babe.